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Dec. 24, 2022

Top NBA Christmas Alternate Uniforms

Top NBA Christmas Alternate Uniforms

The NBA is known to display some unique uniforms, especially in recent years. One tradition that the NBA has held since its second season in 1947 is playing games on Christmas day. With these games, the teams wear Christmas alternate uniforms. Some are a great look for the team, but some are not so great. They have done away with these fan-craved Christmas exclusives. Let's reminisce at the top NBA Christmas alternate uniforms throughout the years.


2013 Oklahoma City Thunder Sleeved Jerseys



Yes, I'm going to start this off with the style that got a lot of hate, the sleeved jerseys. This is the first time I am including the sleeved jerseys, but it won't be the last. So if you don't like them, you may need to learn to like them.


Many people didn't like this style, but they are my favorite jerseys. In fact, if I were in charge, I would probably make every team have one set of sleeved jerseys in their uniform arsenal.


The Oklahoma City logo is stylish. It looks like a masterpiece when it is blown up and put on thunder blue. I will also give an honorable mention to the Knicks' uniforms in 2013. It seemed to be a game that was planned around the jersey combination. These two teams' uniform combos together were on fire.

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